Originally Posted by Michael Lee
Nick don't take your car to Ertefa or whatever the hell it's called!

Danger of having your car stolen next.

So many sketchy people at these things. If your car is SUPER clean, screw those big meets.

If it's a rust bucket, then by all means. smile

I was always worried about that, people scoping out nice cars and punching in their plates to get their information, even going as far as getting their VIN on the dash and going to MTO to get a used buyers package. Anyway, I only plan on going once or twice this year, it was nice to have the change of scenery.

Also. for all you 2g guys with the vrsf, you cannot use the oem foglights... they will not fit. I got a set of aftermarket foglights from my buddies Honda civic that he had laying around. I will get back with install pictures it isn't the ideal way I wanted to install them but I was anxious and will redo it when I have the time.

1999 GSX