I just stumbled across this thread and browsed through a few pages. Good stuff in here! Figured I'd ask a few questions seeing as I'd like to lose more body fat and gain definition and/or muscle while still dropping the excess weight.

So here's a bit of background info on my situation. I'm 6'3" and in October 2012, I weighed 240 pounds and was carrying a good deal of flab. I got fed up with myself and changed my eating habits, so I completely understand what people mean when they say that it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. By simply modifying my consumption habits, I'm just under 200 pounds as of this morning with far less flab. I'm feeling better than I have in what seems like at least a decade. It's an awesome feeling and I'd like to build on that.

I'm feeling pretty motivated and I'd be interested in seeing what kind of results I could get from training. I can admit that I don't know the first thing about proper form, rest periods for muscle groups and all that jazz, so some guidance would be appreciated. I don't necessarily want to have to go to a gym or see a personal trainer since prices for those things around here are flat out ridiculous and I'd rather spend that money on the Talon anyway.

I'd also be interested to know what specific things I could do to target my stomach since that's my problem area. I have some free weights and an 80 pound punching bag which I plan on using now that the nice weather is here. That, mixed with some rollerblading and biking every now and then, should help me reach my goals. I set myself small ones so that I stay on track and meet them rather than losing motivation while struggling to reach a far-off goal.

I noticed that a few of you have your diet down like a science. Though I now eat "well", I don't know much about nutrition or the difference between simple and complex carbs nor how that can affect me. I checked that Daily Apple link and couldn't find any free stuff regarding healthy eating and honestly felt overwhelmed by the "buy, buy, BUY!" marketing there.

Do any of you have any good free weight workout plans, tips or resources for any of the above that you wouldn't mind sharing (or have already shared and I missed while skimming through)? Many thanks in advance!

1990 TSi AWD - Got Boost? demon
1992 TSi AWD - R.I.P