I find that stretching ridiculous amounts is a great way to recover. Find a way to hang, pull, bend, reach, and twist. If you do a bunch of stretching and drink water it releases more lactic acid which is harmful to your muscles and by then pissing it out you have less soreness and quicker recovery due to removal of the harmful waste.
Eat all your food groups, and avoid fasting or binge eating. This causes your body to want to save and store the food as extra weight.
Start eating veggies you never thought of or would care or want to. All the colors. I frequently cook with garlic and onions. I try everyday to eat the more natural big carrots, red,yellow and orange peppers, I try to eat a few greens such as lettuce, broccoli, and cucumber. Sometimes some green type of bean or asparagus. Mushrooms are also full of good nutrients, and compliment vegetables nicely. Dont forget you nutrient and protien rich seeds, nuts, and beans.

Ginger root it one of the most amazing things for you. It is an antihistamine, anti inflammitory, and anti hypertensive. Thats just a quick list, I know there is more.

Just found this on ginger, assume to do with anti inflammitory properties:
"A study involving 74 volunteers carried out at the University of Georgia found that daily ginger supplementation reduced exercise-induced muscle pain by 25%."

I usually start my morning with ginger, and water.

Before Every meal I try and start with strictly vegetables and fruit to get all the nutrients and energy required to process, digest, and efficiently use nutrients that I will eat next.

I try and keep only 2 meals big, and the 3rd may only be a combo of fruit/veggies/nuts/a pb sandwitch.

Meals can be fish/eggs/veggies and rice

I love my protien shakes with yogurt/chocolate whey/milk

I mix something called Qia into my cerial. Crazy energy, nutrient and protien boost. My cerial is gluten free and organic, I mix in granola also. Helps keep me full longer with Qia and granola and tastes better too. Sometimes some chocolate or a bit of protien powder is good in there.

Yogurt/nuts/dark chocolate mixed together rids my craving for harmful processed foods and refined sugars

I buy yogurt with no added sugar and eat it daily for the good flora. I rarely drink pop, have candy, or anything else with processed sugars. All my sugars I try and keep natural. Anything extra is being proven to cause many diseases as of lately. I dont touch processed instant food anymore and make anything but cerial bread or pasta from scratch. I almost never eat out.

I have been gluten free for the most of the past 4 months. Not always safe for everyone but it cleared up my skin and gave more clarity to my thoughts, and increased my digestive efficiency to the point I had too much energy. I could also attribute this to substituting more fruits and veggies instead of grains. Gluten free gets expensive quick, and I can live off of a bit over a 1000 a week in groceries quite comfortably.

I Prefer to bike that drive whenever possible in whatever weather imaginable: Rain, wind, and snow. Snow can be quite fun. I am a formula drift mountain bike champion in gravel and snow. Heck pavement works too. Lmao. Wheelies are a great back and arm workout. Biking works out basically everything though, heart, shoulders, forearms, biceps, chest, triceps, legs, abs. If I start hopping, wheeling, and going as fast as possible I feel it everywhere.

I try and do bulk lifting with 6-8 reps. I don't like going higher than 10 or 12. Always Freewight. Need to work the stabilizers too. For this reason sometimes starting at a lower weight to achieve full range of motion and proper form is more important. Mechanical advantages due to stabilizing mechanical equipment is cheating. I like doing full or half body workouts at a time. I do a circuit to get the heart pumping with 2 or more different muscle groups back to back that don't depend on each other. I do each set of reps back to back so I dont stop, and get a proper minute and a half rest on each muscle. Using full range of motion and altering positions to work differant angles. Ex. I bench 3 sets of flat bench, then take a few plates off do 3 sets decline bench, take a few pounds off and do incline 3 sets, then move to tricep extensions, and if im real enthusiastic some pushups both close arm and far arm widths. To fill in the gaps of arm and chest rest I work legs (calf raises, squats, lunges. I only need a day and a half or two to recover that. I don't do it as much anymore with biking though or I d never recover. My rides get pretty intense up and down hills. Going to try and start incorporating workouts around my biking again now that my job is not at all physically demanding.

Dont forget to exercise the heart. Or all of this becomes invaluable. Smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, and high colesteral and fat diets are the biggest factor for artierial disease. Blocked blood flow is like blocked oil. Block it and risk killing brain tissue through a stroke, coronary artery disease results from narrowed and blocked arteries in the heart causing heart attacks (MI) and or arrhythmia's (misfiring heart is also an inefficient pump just like our engines, and much can go wrong with its control and circuitry).

Last edited by Mike Lane; November 08, 2013 03:57 am UTC.

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97 acura el stolen/found
99GSX Red
RIP 86 turbo ZX, 92 turbo 2000GTX