Cold jerky's good, but I like to drink a beer or tea or water or some liquid with it to mix it all together in my mouth so the flavours from the dried jerky all come flooding out.

Try it! So good!

Oh and I don't know if it was a mistake, but my last order of Terriyaki HOT was WAY hotter than the Bhut I got this round.

I like the flavour of both, but I'm kinda scared of the Terriyaki HOT. Yes, I said it, I fear the heat.

So I might go with Bhut again next round, similar flavour, SALTY, and less hot, but the Terriyaki was GOOD.

My mouth says yes, my asshole says nooooooo!

1997 Eclipse GST/X
Eat in small amounts. Otherwise be prepared to paint toilet bowls~ Mike Eng