But he wont take the challenge....Say what you want but you didn't even stay the entire day....I don't remember everyone passing me but that is a game of he said, she said. Of course people are going to pass. Civic pass me on R-comps? yup that happened. The mini doesn't have the power against most other guys out with me. Driving is everything, mods and the car mean very little if you can't use them.

I'll quote Reza that day "Bet i'd be pretty good at this. I'm good at Gran Turismo" lol

Talk is cheap. I'm willing to go right up against you with a car with twice the driving wheels and twice the power. That's my confidence. I want to point at you being passed by the civic!

Take the challenge come on! Talk is cheap!

Never fear a challenge,
Amateurs built the Ark,
Professionals built the Titanic.