Its all hit and miss... Brand name or not. The Hurculies tires I had on the car before the Rikens SUCKed! no traction... Slipped in thecorners in dry weather. And impossable to get any good launches. Plus the sidewall ripped open before I was even close to the wearmarks! I have bought new bridstones thatI returned cause the tire shop would not install them. Said the inside wall was defective. I believe american name brands have dwindled in quality over the last 10 years in everything.. But ive been reading many reviews and nothing chinnese short of $500 a set has made any good reviews as a performance tire let alone something id take on my local tracks, or some cool windy back roads!

The tires I mentioned are proven tires, I wanna know from experiance which ones are best.

stock bottom end 6bolt 2g head.
272 hks cams.
Holset hx35
Backyard biult!!