We used the POR15 on the subframe parts of the car (front and back) it is easy enough to use... we cleaned up the rust and flaky stuff as best we could and then used the 3 parts POR15 kits on it... The paint is super think until it hits the prepped metal... Two starter kits covered all the front and rear subframe.... We did not top coat since it should never see the light of day...

We order from the place in Quebec with little issues... The other thing we used was the eastwood frame rail treatment... http://www.eastwood.com/internal-frame-coating-w-spray-nozzle.html... this stuff seemed cool but you have about 5/10ths of a second to wipe it up before it dries... Ordered that from a place around st thomas (I can look it up if anyone cares)...

Bryce was happy enough with the POR15 that he is going to do the jeep frame with it when he pulls it off...
