Originally Posted by Mike Eng
Loop them back around to another port at the top of the TB.

4 ports, 2 loops. And if you don't have the mini clamps at least throw on a zip tie onto the them to hold them down from popping off under boost. It already looks like they're about to.

I suggest you run a few tests to check the health of your car;

- boost leak test.
- compression test.
- leak down test.
- coolant test/flush.

Also checking the fluids drained from the drivetrain.

Getting the car up to par with servicing would be my next priority after diagnosing and repairing the no start.

That's exactly in the order of testing and Servicing that I was planning on doing. Just need this thing to start lol

There's TONS of info here and as you can tell, many members willing to help.

1992 talon tsi awd. Under construction