Funny you should bring this up I was actually just about to do something up for the fitness channel.

I am going to go against what Mike is saying though. From a nutritional standpoint there are much better options and those options are also cheaper.

I started buying hemp hearts last year because I heard great things about them, but if you do a little research on Omega 3/6/9 and what your ratios are vs what they should be you will see that hemp doesn't help at all with this. For this reason alone I stopped taking it, having an omega 6 rich diet is not good for you. Read some info the paleo folks have provided and you can learn all about it. As for a protein source yeah they are pretty good.

As for what I am taking now. Flax seed, I use it everywhere that I was using the hemp hearts. It's cheaper than hemp is. A better source of omega 3s and protein.

Just some food for thought.

"Old Blue" 91 Talon TSi AWD
"Super Enthusiast" 91 Talon TSi AWD