I m reading hemp has a higher protien conentration than flax. And not sure where your getting your omega information? but I read this:

"Hemp nuts contain complete protein. They are a highly digestible balance of all 20 known amino acids (both essential and non-essential) and in higher quantities than most other plant sources of protein. Hemp nuts are 33-35% protein. A mere 2 tablespoons of hemp nuts contain approximately 11g of protein!

Hemp nuts contain the globular plant proteins edestin (65-67%) and albumin (33-35%). Globular proteins are responsible for enzymatic functions in the blood plasma and for antibody formation, making them critical for strong immune function. Edestin is considered the most easily digestible protein and is very similar to protein in the human body. Albumin is another highly digestible and quality source of plant protein. Hemp contains the highest known levels of edestin in the plant kingdom, making it a superior source of protein. Hemp nut is also free of trypsin inhibitors and oligosaccharides, two factors that affect the absorption and digestibility of other plant sources of protein.

Hemp nuts have a near perfect ratio of omega-3 (alpha- linolenic) to omega-6 (linoleic) essential fatty acids (EFAs). The ideal ratio is considered to be 4:1 (omega-6: o m e g a — 3) ; hemp nuts have a ratio of 3.38:1. These fatty acids are required by our body via our food; we cannot synthesize them our- selves, thus the term, "essential." Most Americans consume far more omega-6 and not nearly enough omega-3; this imbalanced ratio seems to go hand in hand with the common degenerative diseases of today. EFAs have a critical role in growth and development, inflammation response, mood regulation, immune strength, cardiovascular and neurological health, cellular respiration and more. Hemp also contains the fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid (omega-9), stearidonic acid, and oleic acid

The fat in hemp seed oil is 75-80% polyunsaturated fat (also known as EFAs) and less than 10% saturated fat. Hemp nuts contain approximately 44% fat. This overall fat percentage is lower than most nuts and carries with it the extremely desirable abundance of EFAs.

Hemp nuts are a good source of iron and also contains significant levels of the antioxidant vitamin E.

Hemp nuts and oil contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is nearly identical in molecular structure to our blood and is thus extremely beneficial to building the blood, nourishing, and detoxifying the body. While the quantity is not nearly as high as the chlorophyll content of other blatantly green foods, like wheatgrass or leafy greens, the more we can increase our intake of chlorophyll the better. Chlorophyll’s presence in the hemp nut is another testament to its amazingly balanced nature."


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