Why does anyone still use this shitty payment tool anymore?

I admit a few years ago they saved my butt on being scammed $150 for a UEGO I bought from tuners..never received it. And, I should have been more weary of buying from a guy with only 1 post.

Their fees are ridiculously expensive for nothing.

They hold your funds until the transaction is completed.

I get that you can tap into your credit card for convenience but it's not like you can't do that with your online banking VIA EMT. And I understand you have buyer protection. But come on...buyer's need to use more common sense. (myself included)

Moving forward...if ANYONE buys ANYTHING from me and is IN CANADA...I will NOT ACCEPT PayPal.

If you have a PayPal account, that means you do your banking online...which also means you can email money transfer funds.

End rant.

'99 GSX GT35R
'03 CBR 600RR