Well, if PTU bit the big one, could be the ISC did too. I would just try and delete it. FIAV could also be an issue.

I have ACT Streelight. Idle is set at 900. Coast FC Adjust = 0 (it's always been 0 with no issue)

Something is causing a clinking sound coming from the exhaust. between 1500 to 2500rpm when revving (not under load). Can't hear it once the car starts moving.I have also noticed the fuel rail passenger side seems wet.

Will hold off till next year. She is hibernating now. I may post up a log of the drive to storage (unless I find the glaring error)

98,6Bolt,3"EXH,LINKV3,780cc,SD,SCM61@26PSI, 340LPH,AFPR,TSBOV,REARWB,FMIC,2"RAD(20/80/WW)