Yeah. I still have coolant lines running to TB.

I am still hitting that 6500rpm loss of power wall. I am going to blame the intake and just finally get a SMIM or cast Magnus one. And if I do that, I'll do their S90 billet 74mm.

Today I did a coolant change and changed the thermostat.
30% coolant + ww. 70% water
Let it warm up to op temp, it hit 186 and then dropped to 176. just kept repeating. No fans. Quite happy she is running cooler now.

98,6Bolt,3"EXH,LINKV3,780cc,SD,SCM61@26PSI, 340LPH,AFPR,TSBOV,REARWB,FMIC,2"RAD(20/80/WW)