This morning burped the system. Same problem. 216+ (no heater on). I turned the rad fan on full in link and temp dropped to 210 on highway. I'll try fixes in steps.

#1. Improve Flow to Rad
- Air Dam / Shroud
- Create a small ramp to help air up and over the FMIC

#2. Heat Shields on Manifold and O2
- Bought Manifold Blanket
- Will custom fab O2 housing one.

If above fails..

#3. Find a way to get a second pusher fan in between condenser and rad. Or just in front of condenser and lose this sheet metal on the back of one side of the rad

[Linked Image][/quote]

If all else fails... Yank Condenser.
Was hoping eventually I could have AC. /sniff


98,6Bolt,3"EXH,LINKV3,780cc,SD,SCM61@26PSI, 340LPH,AFPR,TSBOV,REARWB,FMIC,2"RAD(20/80/WW)