A stock 2 spider in good condition should suffice at that power level if you're not launching really hard or with slicks. Way more driver friendly than a welded.

I've been conversing back and forth with Tim Zimmer for mine and it's definitely not cheap to do correctly but IMHO worth it for the long term.

I'm adding double thrust washers on the spider gears so in addition to clearencing the housing for the added gears, it must also be clearenced on the existing faces for the added width of an extra washer on each gear. I can see good reasoning for this as the diff I sacrificed for the spider gears' single washers were trashed, close to seizing up and way of spec on the end play. That causes the teeth to only engage at the tips, where they are the weakest. That diff was not far from eating it.

I'll have tons of pics to share soon.

1997 Eclipse GST - AWD swapped - TPC - GT Spec powered
2023 - 9.63 - 145mph