You know, guys, since selling RTM and having some time on my hands, I have taken an interest in US politics (I picked up my MAGA cap while I was down there this weekend). The biggest problem I see in the US is that people are totally divided, and no-one will budge an inch. People either love Trump and will excuse anything he says or does, or they hate him, and will refuse to acknowledge all the good he has done. They hate him so much, they will support rapists and murderers because Trump is against them . This helps no-one, and EVERYONE is worse off for it. If everyone would just let him do what he was elected to do, the entire country would be so much better off.

It seems to me we have a similar thing happening here on this forum, and it is sad. I fell like I am in the middle here, and I don't like it.

You know, Marco at Magnus has great knowledge of these engines, and has made himself very successful, but on a personal level, I (and a lot of others) consider him an asshole. Reza, are you trying to follow his example? I have great respect for your knowledge and accomplishments, but if you found the racing caused you to laugh your ass off, I have to say you have a twisted sense of humour. So, when Devin Schultz broke, did you laugh hard enough to pee yourself? Would you laugh your ass off at a high school sporting event because the kids don't play up to professional standards? I am also disappointed you didn't come over and say hi...we don't see each other that often and I have always considered you a friend.

For everyone else, it saddens me to see the personal attacks. Everyone has the right to dislike whoever they want, but I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say, you should say nothing at all. When you attack Reza, it is like you are winding him up and making him attack more. You guys have your other platforms that I don't go on. I would like to ask nicely, if you guys really feel a need to bash Reza, please do it there, not here. Thank you.


"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP