Car is 90% striped of what I bought it for and parts people have inquired about, will be going to scrap Monday.
Car has all wheel well plastics and fender liners are mint, no rust on the fenders(dent in each) no rust on the hood, drivers door, or hatch.
Car has mint factory fogs(cat head ones)
Good a/c compressor (Mitsubishi)looks almost new
Good alternator (Mitsubishi)looks almost new
k and n drop in filter
fwd 3 inch cat back
mint rad
fans are mint too, as well as 90% of the brackets under the hood(rust free). Throttle cables look new as well as shifter linkages. Need to keep the car rolling though so I can drag it to scrap on Monday.

1998 tsi awd, some mods
1997 spyder gst, some mods
1996 honda civic B20
2003 Honda Accord