RTM Update: Covid 19

It seems to be a different world than a few weeks ago, so a few more changes at RTM. Since 99% of our orders are placed and paid for online, and since we already have a good contactless system for delivering packages to the couriers, there is not a lot we need to change.

However, a few things WILL change. Paul will be at the shop most of the time, but Ziggy will be working from self isolation at home. As we run out of product, we are unsure WHEN and how we will be able to re-stock.

For the time being, we will not be accepting cash payments, and we are working on contactless pickup for the safety of ourselves and our customers for those who prefer to pickup. Pre order online, and prepay or indicate you will be paying by debit. When you arrive, call and Paul will bring your order (and the debit machine, if needed) outside for you.

We thank you for your understanding and patience, and your cooperation. I sincerely hope that one day we can go back to casual conversations and handshakes, but that is not appropriate right now!

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP