So yesterday, was shannonville first test n tune of 2020.

Also first test n tune with the new owners. Which are great! They are giving the track alot more attention. Spraying the drag strip down way more often. It actually felt like a drag strip.. And not a no prep event. Lal

3 dsms represented, Jamie Valcamp, Kenny Wood, and I.. Paul G did a great job in the timing booth!

Jamie and Kenny seemed to have car issues all day. But my car ran solid all day.. Only issue i had was I was loosing boost in the high rpms. And my mph sucked. Best run was 11.66@122mph. Last year I was 11.4@125.dame tune.. They only difference is I'm running a cat. But I'm 100+lbs lighter. Gonna play with a ebc before next race.. Maybe try a side exit.

But all and all.. 10+ hard runs,, and the tranny I just rebiult in my basement held strong all day!! #backyardbuilt

stock bottom end 6bolt 2g head.
272 hks cams.
Holset hx35
Backyard biult!!