Hmmm...reddish car with a different colour roof, hidden headlights, and I was with a blond relative...eerie similarities.

Anyhow, my brother and I were partying in NYC on the weekend and since I never get to see him, I drove him to the airport. We were staying in up-town Manhattan so I had to go East to get to JFK. The marking for the tunnels going east was absolute ass, plus we were both tired and hungover. I missed one exit, and then a second one, so I decided to cut the car hard over the painted lines before the median started. Anyhow, being at night, with crap on the windows and road etc. etc., those lines were actually a ow 3-4" curb. I was doing about 80 clicks and I got the car airborne and landed in the other lane. It was a shallow angle, so the RF corner hit first, then the RR, LF and LR.
I can't begin to describe how bad the drive back was. The adrenaline pump after the hit sucked my last energy reserves. I left the hotel at 6PM and got back to Ottawa at 6:30AM Monday. Work wasn't fun when I got here at 11.